Philosophy of Birth. Rethinking the Origin form Medical Humanities

International Conference

Our conceptions of birth reflect and influence our view of the world and of human beings. This conference addresses some of the assumptions that are embedded, often unrecognised, in current cultural practices around childbirth. Our guiding questions and the resulting arguments engage current debates around childbirth and beyond. Rethinking our origin is our way of constructing a genealogy, a ‘logos of the genos’ in a literal sense.

Research in the Philosophy of Birth is closely linked to innovation and knowledge exchange and touches critical topics as surrogacy, consent, medical treatments or autonomy.

Date: 27th – 28th May
Place: Universidad de Alcalá. Sala de Conferencias Internacionales. Colegio de San Idelfonso. Universidad de Alcalá
Free entry until filled to capacity


In collaboration with

  • Research Project Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices (VOICEs), University of Oxford, ERC-H2020-MSCA-IF-2017 (SEP-210456162)
  • Research Project Philosophy of Birth: Rethinking the Origin from Medical Humanities (PHILBIRTH), University of Alcalá, AEI/FEDER/UE, 2016-19 (FFI2016-77755-R)

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