From 24-10-2018 to 26-10-2018
Relevant Research Areas
The conference will deal with the logical, epistemological, and cognitive aspects of modeling practices employed in science, technology, and cognitive science, including logical and computational models of such practices. Papers are solicited that examine the role of abduction, visualization, simulation, and other aspects in model-based reasoning from philosophical, logical, epistemological, historical, sociological, psychological, or computational perspectives. The conference is also devoted to examine the impact of Model-Based Reasoning research in the enhancement of various kinds of human cognitive skills, mental, hybrid, manipulative, etc.
Researchers are called for papers that cover topics pertaining to model-based reasoning in science and human cognition as presented in the following list:
* General theoretical and cognitive issues
* Models as fictions, distortions, credible worlds
* Models and games of make-believe
* Ontology of models
* Affordances, artifacts, and model-based reasoning
* Brain, neuroscience, and model-based reasoning
* Abduction
* Logical analyses related to model-based reasoning
* Inferences, interaction and duality in logic and language
* Visual, spatial, imagistic modeling and reasoning
* Simulative modeling
* The role of diagrammatic representations
* Computational models of visual and simulative reasoning
* Causal and counterfactual reasoning in model construction
* Visual analogy
* Thought experiments
* Manipulative reasoning
* Distributed model-based reasoning
* Distributed cognition, embodiment, and model-based reasoning
* Models of rationality and inference patterns in decision making
* Model-based reasoning in scientific discovery and conceptual change
* Model-based reasoning and ethics
* Model-based reasoning and history of philosophy
* Model-based reasoning and semiotics
* Model-based reasoning in scientific explanation
* Model-based medical diagnosis
* Model-based reasoning in engineering and robotics
* Model-based reasoning and technological artifacts
* Model-based reasoning and knowledge management
* Model-based reasoning and information technology
* The role of models in scientific and technological thinking
* Model- based reasoning and learning
* Model- based reasoning and language
Invited Speakers
– Atocha Aliseda, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), México
– Walter Carnielli, Department of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences, State University of Campinas, Brazil
– Hans van Ditmarsch, LORIA, Nancy. France
– Nancy J: Nersessian, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA (to be confirmed)
– Lorenzo Magnani, Department of Humanities, Philosophy Section & Computational Philosophy Laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy
– Mario J. Pérez, Department of Computer Sciences, European Academy of Sciences, Sevilla University, Spain
– Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen, Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallin University of Technology, Estonia / School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nazarbayev University. Kazakhstan (to be confirmed)
– Olga Pombo, Centro de Filosofia das Ciências Universidade de Lisboa CFCUL, Portugal
– Shahid Rahman, U.F.R. de Philosophie, Université Lille 3, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
– Paul Thagard, Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
– John Woods, Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia, Canada
Deadline for delivery April 25, 2018
Organized by Chairs: Ángel Nepomuceno, Lorenzo Magnani and Francisco J. Salguero
Venue: Edificio central de la Universidad de Sevilla, Tobacco Factory University Building. Calle San Fernando, 4, 41004 Sevilla