PHYSIS: the Research Group in Analytic Metaphysics at Complutense University of Madrid presents the six online PHYSIS Monthly Lectures in Analytic Metaphysics 2021:
April 7, 2021, 3:00pm-4:45pm (CEST)
José Tomás Alvarado (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Title: The Grounding Problem for Aristotelianism
Abstract: Aristotelianism is understood here as the position according to which: (i) there are universals and thin particulars that instantiate those universals, and (ii) necessarily universals should be instantiated in some object or objects, and necessarily thin particulars should instantiate some universal. Universals have a general grounding profile. Aristotelian universals, as well as Aristotelian thin particulars, have also grounding profiles. It is argued here that the conjunction of the general grounding profile for universals and the especial Aristotelian grounding profiles generates at least three cycles of ontological priority that put into question the coherence of Aristotelianism.
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There is no registration fee to attend the online Lectures, and registration is not required.